Our long-termed experience ensures the quality of our production and services; therefore, we encourage you to become our partners. We offer to cooperate architects, designers, trade partners and other involved persons. For conclusion of agreements and more detailed information please contact us by e-mail: or phone +37063485000.
Zbiga UAB has completed the implementation of the project “Improvement of Zbiga UAB Competitive Ability and Export by Introducing Advanced Information Technologies”. Zbiga UAB has successfully completed the implementation of the project “Improvement of Zbiga UAB Competitive Ability and Export by Introducing Advanced Information Technologies” (project No. VP2-2.1-ŪM-02-K-02-194).
For the implementation of this project the company received up to 100,307.00LTL (up to 50%) of EU financial support from the Regional Development Fund of the European Union in accordance with Priority 2 of the Programme of Economical Growth Actions “Increase of Business Efficiency and Improvement of the Environment to Business”.
Zbiga UAB has operated as a manufacturer of soft furniture in the market and has introduced its production with a “Magrės baldai” label for more than 20 years. The company sells its production in Lithuania and exports to Latvia, Estonia, and Finland.
An increasing range of the production, sophisticated production technologies, increasing export volumes require intensive management of the recourse of the company, accuracy of production and supply processes. Under the tight conditions of competition, in order to maintain competitiveness in the market it is especially relevant to consider accurate planning of manufacture, effective workload of equipment and human resource employment. For that there is a need for a specialised tool, which will automate and link internal and external operation processes of the company into one integrated entirety, will enable to improve production efficiency and to reduce operational costs at the company.
Taking that into consideration, there was an initiative of an investment project, the main goal of which was to improve labour productivity of the company, sales and export volumes by introducing advanced e-business solutions. The project has implemented a specialised programme of production and business management, which automated and linked the internal and external processes of the operation.
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